Hey everyone
This week has been so much fun, my boyfriend is spending the week in Lisbon with me and we've been going around like tourists so he gets the full Lisbon experience. We rent an apartment and the cooking conditions aren't the best so we've been eating out every single day and not the healthiest of stuff unfortunately. I don't regret it a single bit, this week was amazing and I'm so sad to be going back to school in two days.
For breakfast I've been having bread with either cheese or ham, and some strawberries on the side.
The first evening of our vacation we went to Burger King because it was the only place open at that time, we got there quite late. It was my first time eating at Burger King and I don't get all the hype about it, I didn't think it was anything spectacular.
For one of the days we went to this amazing market where our most famous restaurants have a food stand and you get to try their awarded food for cheaper. We had chimichurri chicken with fries and salad on the side, it was really good.
We went a few times to a fast food salad restaurant that I love. I'm not sure if it exists in other countries but it's called Vitaminas and you can make your own salad with your chosen ingredients. It's delicious. I had a smoked salmon and prawn salad with roasted vegetables, boiled egg and brie cheese.
We also had some traditional Portuguese food for him to try such as codfish with cream (my favourite food), duck rice and some pork meat with clams which name I cannot translate.
I love Italian food so we went to an italian restaurant and I had some mushroom risotto (yes, I love mushrooms, they're a recurrent theme here at the blog it seems). My boyfriend had spaghetti à la Carbonara and I have to say I regret not taking that, it was heavenly.
I don't have any pictures of it but we also had dinner at one of my favourite asian restaurants.
I'm not proud of me when I say I've been eating a lot of sweets and treats, but I also don't regret it because they were delicious and my boyfriend isn't in Lisbon every day so we wanted to really enjoy his time here. With chocolate cake. A lot of chocolate cake. As snacks we've been going to coffee houses or homemade ice cream shops. Ice cream, cheesecakes, chocolate cake, you name it. There's a new place that opened last week in Lisbon, it's a place where they make all of their pastries and deserts with nutella...need I say more? It was darn good!
Walking, walking walking. If you know Lisbon, you know you have to walk a lot to get anywhere and it's full of hills (it's nickname is even The city of the seven hills). We've been climbing all the way to visit castles and palaces, the other day we walked for 5 or 6 hours. I think I'll have a post about that day trip because we took amazing pictures of the palace.
Olá a todos

Adorei esta semana, o meu namorado veio passá-la comigo a Lisboa e temos estado a visitar todas as atracções turísticas porque ele nunca teve essa experiência. Alugámos um apartamento no Bairro alto e as condições para cozinhar não são as ideais por isso temos comido fora todos os dias.
Para o pequeno almoço tenho comido pão ou croissaint com queijo ou fiambre e morangos para acompanhar.
Na primeira noite do meu namorado em Lisboa fomos ao Burger King, infelizmente. Queria comer comida portuguesa para ele experimentar mas já estava tudo fechado à hora a que fomos por isso teve de ser burger king,
Num dos dias fomos ao mercado Time-out no Cais do Sodré e adorámos. Comemos frango chimichurri com batata frita e salada numa das barraquinhas (Miguel Laffan se não me engano) e para sobremesa foi uma mini-bola com creme recheada com nutella.
Fomos ao Vitaminas algumas vezes, adoro lá ir. As saladas são uma delícia, têm imensos ingredientes por onde escolher e saio sempre muito satisfeita. A salada que comi tinha rúcula, alface, fatias de salmão fumado, gambas, queijo brie, ovo cozido e legumes assados.
De comida portuguesa comemos bacalhau com natas (a minha comida preferida), carne de porco à alentejana e arroz de pato. Gostava que o meu namorado tivesse experimentado uma francesinha mas em Lisboa não sei onde há boas francesinhas.
Adoro comida italiana por isso experimentámos um que fica perto dos restauradores, na Rua de Santo Antão. Eu comi risotto de cogumelos e o meu namorado comeu esparguete à carbonara. Ambos os pratos estavam muito bons e os preços eram bastante acessíveis. Se me lembrasse do nome dizia pois recomendo o restaurante, muito bom.
Não é com orgulho que digo que passei a semana a comer doces e bolos, mas também não o digo com arrependimento. Estava tudo uma delícia e o meu namorado não está em Lisboa todos os dias por isso quisemos aproveitar bem o tempo. Cheesecake, pastéis de nata, bolo de chocolate, gelado caseiro, etc. Fomos ao Santini comer gelado umas 3 vezes, nunca tinha lá ido antes mas sou uma fã agora pois o gelado é uma maravilha. Também experimentámos a Nut Chiado onde fazem tudo com nutella. Comemos um nut kebab e estava muito bom.

Andar muito. Lisboa não é a cidade das sete colinas por acaso. Temos caminhado para todo o lado e fomos ao palácio da Pena no outro dia (quem já foi sabe o quão cansativo é!).

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