I'm sorry that I didn't post the weight loss journal yesterday, but I really didn't have motivation for it to be honest, I'm a bit down on motivation to work out. Maybe today I'll have some extra motivation since game of thrones is coming out and I'm so excited and in a great mood! Now off to the post of today.
It's a collaboration with other bloggers and you can see their contributions below. We're supposed to say what we would love to have from international shops that don't ship to our country/have stupidly expensive shipping. I can't tell you the amount of times I wish I could buy something, but it's either too expensive to ship to me or the shop doesn't even ship it to Portugal. This post is about that. My impossible wishlist. The things I'd love to have but chances are I never will.
Seria uma segunda-feira como outra qualquer se hoje não saísse um episódio de game of thrones, mas o facto é que é uma segunda-feira muito especial e eu estou super entusiasmada.
O post de hoje não tem nada a ver com game of thrones, é uma colaboração com várias bloggers em que dizemos o que gostaríamos de comprar mas não podemos pois a loja em questão não faz envios para o nosso país ou os envios são escandalosamente caros. Como vivo em Portugal, e decerto quem está desse lado já se deparou com este problema, há muitas coisas que existem lá fora e que não podemos ter acesso. Esta wishlist é sobre isso mesmo: as coisas que eu compraria se pudesse mas nunca o farei provavelmente. Uma wishlist impossível.

I'm not sure if we were supposed to only mention fashion items, but there are a TON of beauty items that I would like to get if shipping wasn't a problem, namely from Paula's Choice. So in the realm of beauty I'll leave you with a few things I would love to get but I can't.
Não estou certa se só se podia incluir moda no post ou não, mas eu adoro beleza e portanto tenho de incluir algumas coisinhas que adorava ter e talvez um dia ainda farei um esforço para as comprar.
Which are the items you wish you had but they're out of reach?
Que artigos gostavam de ter mas estão fora de alcance?
Debz - http://www.wannabeprincess.co.uk
Katt - www.acurvycupcake.com
Kelly - http://www.adventuresofariotgrrrl.com
Steph - http://www.seeingspots.co.uk/
Kim - http://www.callmekim.net/
Sharon - http://www.bigfatbetty.com
Sarah - www.plussizeproud.co.uk
Victoria - TheCurvedOpinion.com
Becky - http://www.doesmyblogmakemelookfat.com/
Leah - http://www.justmeleah.co.uk/
Nikki - www.nattynikki.com
Vicky - http://therandomnessoftwee.blogspot.co.uk/
Charli - http://curvygirlthin.blogspot.co.uk
Mookie - http://www.mookieslife.com

Katt - www.acurvycupcake.com
Kelly - http://www.adventuresofariotgrrrl.com
Steph - http://www.seeingspots.co.uk/
Kim - http://www.callmekim.net/
Sharon - http://www.bigfatbetty.com
Sarah - www.plussizeproud.co.uk
Victoria - TheCurvedOpinion.com
Becky - http://www.doesmyblogmakemelookfat.com/
Leah - http://www.justmeleah.co.uk/
Nikki - www.nattynikki.com
Vicky - http://therandomnessoftwee.blogspot.co.uk/
Charli - http://curvygirlthin.blogspot.co.uk
Mookie - http://www.mookieslife.com

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