This was my last week in Sweden, how sad. I couldn't post it yesterday because I was on my way to Copenhagen to catch my flight to Lisbon, I'm home now. It has been an amazing month but I need to get back to school and I've heard my dog misses me and hasn't even been eating properly, whoever says dogs don't have feelings is wrong!
We've had some pretty days with a lot of sun, which are lovely for going on a walk in the nature, but the last few have been really grey and windy. This is the eight week which means it's time for measurements. I don't expect a drop in anything, in fact I expect to have gained weight since I haven't been eating well since I arrived Sweden.
Height: 164 cm
Waist: 91 cm (+1)
Hips: 116 (+2)
Thighs: 76 (-1)
Chest: 113
The meals this week have been a bit random since we're trying to finish everything we bought before I leave. So it has been a lot of salads, omelettes and tortillas stuffed with whatever we have left. We also had soup (store bought, the ones by Knorr), they're relatively low on calories and very handy when I don't feel like cooking or we don't have much time. One of the evenings my boyfriend made dinner because he lost a bet, he never cooks, EVER, so this was a first. He made pasta with a traditional Swedish sausage I don't know the name of and tomato sauce. It was quite good I must say. For lunch I roasted a full chicken, I've never roasted a full chicken before so I needed some help from Jamie Oliver and I'll leave you with the link for his instructions on roasted chicken. It was delicious and moist, everything you'd want in a roast chicken.
One of the days my boyfriend asked me if I could bake something for fika at work (something swedes love, for us common mortals it's called coffee break) so I looked for a quick recipe online, didn't even have all the ingredients so had to improvise. Turns out I loved the cake, it was delicious. I can leave you with the recipe I used for chocolate cake but I didn't really follow the entire recipe since I'm unfamiliar with what buttermilk is and didn't have it on hand, so I replaced it with yogurt and it was delicious and moist. Had some more quorn "chicken", I'm starting to love this stuff, it's super low in calories and for me it's almost exactly like chicken. Shame it isn't sold in Portugal (as far as I know, if you know differently please let me know).
For lunch we went out to an Indian restaurant, that was a first. The food was very tasty but on the spicy side and I can't take any heat at all. Then there was valentine's day, I'll have a post about it but I ate something I can't even remember the name of, but it was some kind of meat (beef I think) with potato gratin and red wine sauce if I'm not mistaken.
As breakfast/snacks I've been either having milk (I don't know what's getting into me, I haven't had cow's milk in months but lately I've been craving it) or fruit.
Not much exercise going on this last week, I'll be honest. I went for a walk once when it was really sunny and nice, for over an hour (around 6km) but that was it.
Esta foi a minha última semana na Suécia, é triste ter de voltar. Não consegui postar ontem porque estava a caminho de Copenhaga para apanhar o avião para Lisboa. Foi um mês fantástico e é pena que tenha acabado, mas as minhas aulas começam daqui a uns dias e eu ouvi dizer que a minha cadelinha está com muitas saudades, por isso vai ser bom voltar a casa.
Tivémos alguns dias muito bonitos e solarengos no início da semana mas os últimos têm sido chuvosos e cinzentos. Esta é a semana 8 o que significa que vou postar as minhas medidas mas sinceramente não espero nenhuma diferença positiva, aliás até espero ter ganho peso porque não tenho andado a comer bem este mês que passou.
Altura: 164cm
Cintura: 91 cm (+1)
Anca: 116 cm (+2)
Coxa: 76 cm (-1)
Peito: 113
As refeições esta semana têm sido um pouco estranhas pois estamos a tentar acabar com o que comprámos antes de eu me ir embora. Dito isto, tenho comido muita salada, omeletes e tortilhas com todo o género de vegetais, verduras e afins para que nada se estrague. Também comemos sopa (aquelas compradas, da Knorr), são relativamente baixas em calorias e muito boas para quando se tem pouco tempo para cozinhar. Fiz também frango assado no forno para um dos almoços e estava uma delícia, podem ler as intrucções do Jamie Oliver para frango assado.
Numa das noites o meu namorado cozinhou porque perdeu uma aposta, ele não gosta nada de cozinhar mas até estava bom. Fez massa com molho de tomate e uma salsicha tradicional sueca cujo nome eu desconheço. Num dos dias ele perguntou se eu podia fazer um bolo para o fika (uma coisa que os suecos adoram fazer, para nós portugueses chama-se 'pausa para café') por isso procurei uma receita rápida na internet e como não tinha os ingredientes todos improvisei. Posso deixar-vos a receita de bolo de chocolate e café mas não a segui à risca.
Num dos dias ao almoço fomos a um restaurante indiano, nunca tinha ido. A comida era muito boa mas também muito picante e eu não aguento bem picante. No dia de São Valentim fomos jantar fora e a comida estava deliciosa, nem sei bem o que comi porque o menu estava em sueco mas o que quer que seja era óptimo. Era qualquer coisa deste género: carne grelhada com batatas gratinadas e molho de vinho tinto com espargos e mais umas coisas, mas não tenho certeza.
Quase não fiz exerício esta semana, só dei uma caminhada de cerca de 6km.

I love this kind of posts and the food you've made looks so yummy. I'm trying to eat more healthily at the moment. xxx