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Wednesday, 25 February 2015

New In | Forever21 & others

This post features an order I made on Forever21 and some other things I got in Sweden. I cannot express how much I like Forever21, I'm constantly checking for newly added items on their plus size range. I'm also very impressed with how fast I received the order - I ordered it on a Wednesday night and got it on the Friday, how fast is that! Not even Portugal's domestic shipping is this fast, and Portugal is a very tiny country, can't be hard to drive some packages around. I had seen this dress before, two months ago or so, and it stayed in the back of my mind. So when I saw the shirt and decided to make an order I knew the dress had to come too.

The shirt from Forever21 fits really well, it's just not very well manufactured unfortunately - the button holes have a lot of loose threads so it's hard to unbutton the shirt without pulling on threads. Other than that I'm happy with it, the back is really cute.

The dress is gorgeous and the fabric is very flowy, I believe this is from their winter collection but it feels more like a summer dress. I wanted to do an outfit of the day featuring this dress but it feels very summery so I'll hold onto it until the warmer weather.

The next two items are for my mother, her birthday is coming up. I hope she's not reading this, I don't think she reads my blog, she's a bit technologically challenged so I believe I'm safe. I originally meant to buy something else but then I saw this skirt and my mother actually tried to make a skirt like this but the seamstress didn't get the brief and it didn't turn out as she hoped. It has two mesh panels across the legs but since it's so long it doesn't look trashy like others I've seen. Both the top and the skirt are sold out, you can find a similar style to the top at Forever 21. 

I bought some coconut oil, I'm a true coconut oil fan. In Portugal it's quite pricey but here it was at an affordable price. I use it for a lot of things, from hair treatments to shaving. I've been using it for a while but never payed attention to the quality of it, just bought it on iherb, the cheapest I could find. I guess it's important to get the good quality, organic cold pressed one, because this one I bought actually smells like coconuts. The previous ones from iherb didn't smell like anything at all so I guess that's not good. There are many uses for it, I can make a post on it later.

This smells divine! It reminds me of the Porridge soap by Lush (lovely by the way) and I would eat it if I wasn't afraid of stomach repercussions. It feels exactly the same as the popular body butters from The Body Shop but at a fraction of the price (it was around 2€).

Shaving cream - pretty self explanatory. This brand is Geminy (I've never heard about it before) but I'm curious to try it. It's for sensitive skin and it's supposed to not cause irritation, but they all say that as a marketing trick so I'll believe it when I see it. I'm very late to the game with dry shampoos, I've never tried one and never had much use for it either. This one is by Batiste, a very well known brand, and it's the Original version. Although my hair is oily and I know you shouldn't wash your hair every single day I still do it (and will probably always do it) so dry shampoo isn't really a necessity. I bought it out of curiosity and also because it helps creating texture in the hair to hold some hairstyles so I'll have use for it.

Neste post mostro-vos uma encomenda que fiz no site da Forever21 e outras coisas que fui comprando na Suécia. Adoro a Forever21 e estou sempre a ver o que têm de novo na linha plus size. Fiquei também muito impressionada com a rapidez com que recebi a encomenda - encomendei numa quarta-feira à noite e recebi na sexta-feira à tarde. Não sei como fizeram a entrega tão rapidamente pois nem o correio doméstico num país tão pequeno como Portugal é assim tão rápido mas fiquei muito satisfeita. Já tinha visto o vestido antes, há cerca de dois meses atrás, e fiquei com ele na cabeça. Quando numa outra visita ao site vi a camisa decidi encomendá-la e mandar vir o vestido também.

A camisa é da Forever21 e serve muito bem mas infelizmente não é de boa qualidade - os buracos para os botões têm muitas linhas soltas e o que torna difícil desabotoar a camisa. Tirando isso, a camisa é muito gira, principalmente a parte de trás.

O vestido é lindo e gosto muito do padrão floral. Não é para todos, há quem odeie flores, eu cá gosto muito. Penso que o vestido é da colecção de Inverno embora o tecido seja muito veranil por isso não penso usá-lo até estar mais calor.

Os próximos dois artigos também são da Forever21 e são presentes de aniversário para a minha mãe. Espero que ela não esteja a ler, eu acho que ela não lê o meu blog. Tecnologias não são o forte dela por isso acho que estou segura. Tanto o top como a saia estão esgotados mas podem encontrar um estilo semelhante ao top aqui.

Comprei óleo de coco, uso-o para várias coisas. Em Portugal o preço não é muito amigável mas este comprei-o a um preço acessível. É óptimo para o cabelo ou como hidratante para a pele.

Este creme tem um cheirinho tão bom! Faz lembrar o sabonete Porridge da Lush e cheira mesmo a chocolate. A textura é exactamente igual às body butters da The Body Shop mas a uma fracção do preço - esta custou 20sek (cerca de 2€).

Creme depilatório - não há muito a dizer. Já o usei e até agora estou a gostar, mas sinceramente chateia-me muito fazer a depilação. Estou seriamente a pensar fazer depilação a laser porque não há paciência para estar sempre a fazer a depilação e ainda por cima tenho a pele muito sensível e costumo ter alergia a certos produtos. A marca deste é Geminy (nunca ouvi falar) mas estou curiosa para experimentar. Já vou tarde nisto dos shampoos secos, mas como este estava com desconto decidi experimentar. A marca é bem conhecida (Batiste) e este é o original. Pretendo usá-lo para dar textura ao cabelo quando faço penteados.


  1. Oooh you picked up lots of lovely things. I wish I lived near to a Forever 21 as I hate ordering online without trying the size of something first.

    Laura from whatlauralovesuk.com xxx

    1. I wish we had one in Portugal too, I don't have another option besides ordering online. I love Forever21 so much and so far it hasn't let me down in terms of sizing but you never know, some things are better to stay away from like jeans.


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