Do you know what geocaching is? I didn't until a few months ago, and I hadn't tried it until three weeks ago. It's an activity where you look for caches that other people have hidden all around (you can see which caches are near you by checking the geocaching website). It's a very cool activity for a lazy Saturday and it doubles as exercise if you go for caches on foot. When you sign in on the website you can search for caches around the area you want to check and lock a certain cache as your goal, the app will let you know when you're a few meters away from it and some even have clues.
There's levels of difficulty on the caches and also different sizes. Most caches (at least the ones I've searched for) are a tiny container with a list - bring a pen so you can write your name on the list as one of the people who found it. Even though I haven't found any yet since I've just started, some caches contain objects that you can find and keep, or objects you need to swap for one of your own.
It's a great way to go out, bring a friend with you and have some fun. Maybe you can even meet new people, one of the times when we were out geocaching a guy saw us walking around a pole to see if we could find the cache and he tried to help us (he said he had found it already in the past). It's also very satisfying to actually find a cache - in all honesty we've been out around 4 times geocaching and we only found one, so we were pretty excited to find it.
It's a great way to go out, bring a friend with you and have some fun. Maybe you can even meet new people, one of the times when we were out geocaching a guy saw us walking around a pole to see if we could find the cache and he tried to help us (he said he had found it already in the past). It's also very satisfying to actually find a cache - in all honesty we've been out around 4 times geocaching and we only found one, so we were pretty excited to find it.
Did you ever go geocaching? If so, what did you find?
Sabem o que é geocaching? Eu não sabia até há uns meses atrás, e só experimentei há cerca de três semanas. É uma actividade em que procuram caches que outras pessoas esconderam (podem ver que caches estão escondidas perto de vocês no website de geocaching). Quando se inscrevem no site (é grátis) podem procurar as caches na vossa zona, escolher uma como alvo e a aplicação avisará quando estiverem a alguns metros de distância e algumas até têm pistas.
Existem vários níveis de dificuldade e até diferentes tamanhos. A maioria das caches (pelo menos as que eu tenho procurado) são uma pequena caixinha com uma lista - tragam uma caneta para poderem assinar o vosso nome por baixo das pessoas que descobriram a caixa. Algumas caches (ainda não encontrei nenhuma) têm objectos com que podem ficar, ou pequenas máquinas fotográficas para tirarem uma foto vossa. Eu acho muito divertido, levem um amigo ou familiar e tentem encontrar uma das imensas caches perto da zona onde moram. É uma grande satisfação encontrar algo, sinceramente só encontrei uma até agora mas gostei muito da experiência.
Já experimentaram geocaching? O que encontraram?

Gosh I've never ever heard of this but it looks like such a fun idea! xxx