It's Friday everyone, perk up! No university for two days but there's still a very big workload to go through, It feels like assignments just pile up and it's hard to keep up.
I know nobody wants to hear about snow right now when it's so sunny in Lisbon but bear with me! I was so excited on this day, my boyfriend drove a bit north so we could see some "real snow" in his own words and it was such an amazing experience. I had never seen snow before so I was beyond excited. I don't know why people complain about snow, it's so lovely!
The sweater is so comfortable and baggy, and I love the muted pink colour that makes it very wearable and doesn't look childish. I didn't build a snow man on this day, maybe next year =)
Sweater: LaRedoute (50)
Infinity scarf: Primark
Jeans: C&A (48)
I wish you a great weekend, whether you go out or just chill in your house like I'll be doing.
Já é sexta-feira! É tão bom chegar ao fim-de-semana e poder descansar um pouco. Tenho imensa coisa para fazer para a faculdade mas só o facto de não ter de viajar duas horas por dia de autocarro para assistir às aulas já é um grande alívio.
Sei que ninguém quer ver ou ouvir falar em neve quando está tanto sol em Lisboa mas eu tinha de partilhar este dia maravilhoso que tive. Estava tão entusiasmada neste dia, parecia uma criança a brincar na neve. Como não nevou muito na zona onde o meu namorado vive ele levou-me um pouco mais a norte para eu ver neve e foi uma experiência fabulosa. É tão bonito ver tudo branquinho e imaculado.
Esta camisola é muito confortável e gosto do tom de cor-de-rosa que é bastante discreto e não se torna infantil ou inapropriado.
Camisola: Laredoute (50)
Cachecol: Primark
Jeans: C&A (48)

Desejo-vos um óptimo fim-de-semana.

Oh wow thats amazing that you'd never seen snow before but that you got to see it! I love snow when its falling and lying on the ground but I hate driving in it and I hate it when it starts to melt and it goes all dirty and slushy. I live in the north east of england and most winters we get a bit of snow.
ReplyDeleteLove your outfit and now I have do you wanna build a snowman stuck in my head lol xxx
We never get snow in Lisbon so it was really exciting. My boyfriend told me the same thing you did, that when it melts it gets all gross and gooey, but I didn't see that part so I'm still in love with it ^^