I decided to start these posts because over the week there's things that I'd love to share with you but didn't have a specific space for it, so now I do. It won't be a weekly post unless there's things each week that I find particularly interesting/share worthy. The favourites can be anything I find online, from blog posts to pictures, recipes, or youtube videos. This is the first post of the series and I hope you like it =)
1. This article where nutritionists say what they would order at McDonald's if they really had to.
I don't go to McDonald's (I haven't in years at least) for the simple fact that I love McDonald's. Since I like it so much I don't allow myself to go there because I know it would be the end of me since it's so unhealthy. If you do go to McDonald's or if you have to go there because your friends want to go too, maybe this article will help in case you're on a diet. Even if that's not the case, it's still very interesting to see what people that are in the know would order if they had to eat there.
2. Okay I'm cheating, this isn't from this week. But this is my favourite gif of all times, every time I see it I laugh out loud for real. Too funny!
3. Legend says this is the app the Kardashian sisters use to make themselves look cute for selfies - Perfect 365. As for me, I use it to put wigs and makeup on my boyfriend's pictures and laugh for ages while he just stares at me happy to be of entertainment. But seriously, do it! You will not regret it.
4. This amazing video by Loey addressing some body confidence issues.
She's awesome, if you're not a follower yet you should.
She's awesome, if you're not a follower yet you should.
5. This very sexy outfit by Sarah.
I don't think I can rock this at university though. I might get expelled.

By the way, I'm officially on my Easter break from school, Woohoo!
Decidi começar estes posts pois ao longo da semana há sempre coisas que gostava de partilhar convosco mas não faria sentido criar um post para cada um. Sendo assim apresento-vos os favoritos da semana, posts em que vos irei mostrar o que achei interessante nessa semana pela internet e espero que gostem.
1. Este artigo onde os nutricionistas dizem o que encomendariam no McDonalds se tivessem de lá comer
Nunca vou ao McDonalds pelo simples facto de adorar McDonalds. Imaginem se eu lá fosse, era a minha desgraça. Ainda assim achei este artigo muito interessante e pode ser que vocês também o achem.
2. Okay estou a fazer batota, isto não é desta semana. Mas é a minha gif favorita, rio-me sempre que a vejo, e quis partilhar convosco.
3. A lenda diz que esta é a app que as irmãs Kardashian usam para se porem bonitas para o instagram - Perfect 365. Quanto a mim, eu uso esta app para pôr maquilhagem e perucas nas fotos do meu namorado e achamos imensa graça ao resultado. A sério, experimentem.
4. Este vídeo fabuloso da Loey sobre a auto-confiança quando se é plus size.

Já agora é com muita alegria que anuncio que estou oficialmente de férias da Páscoa. Yay!

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